Thursday, March 4, 2010

they make me smile.

a pic i adore.

YUP. thats my hella cute big sis.

Time to be productive

I have been trying so hard to be productive lately. Here's a list of some productive things i've done so far:

1. gym more often
2. finally declared my major to sociology
3. ordered my new phone and in the process of activating it at this very moment
4. passed an ics lab exam
5. scheduled classes for next quarter

I have not yet started to catch up on school work though, which is the one thing I am trying to avoid.

I know, i know, doesnt seem like much. But to do little "productive things" all around the same time can feel accomplishing. It actually brings me to a better mood. I also created this blog, but i dont know if that counts towards productivity.

sooo many things i want to buy online! I will post those things soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Roomiluv beach day

My first blog

This is the first time i've ever made a blog, except for xanga back in the 6th grade. I wonder if i will be a continuous thing, or if it's just a phase. I go through a lot of phases so lets see how long i will keep blogging. Seems cool.